History Of Toys, YouTube Videos
Custom Marvel Legends Tips Videos
by Joshua H. Stulman
Marvel Legends figures are produced by Hasbro in the 6″ Scale. The toyline has been active since 2003 when it was being produced by the now defunct ToyBiz.
Since its inception, Marvel just hasn’t been able to get out figures fast enough for collectors, so a whole “Do It Yourself” genre of hobbyists emerged to create Custom figures that range from simple “head swaps” “Repaints” or complete reconstructing and sculpting, to create new figures that fit the same 6″ scale.

For the past 20 years, I’ve been creating custom toys from a variety of toylines as a personal hobby- including Marvel Legends.
Here are some customs that I’ve finished in September 2020 and tips on how I made them!
J. Jonah Jameson (90’s Spider-Man Animated Cartoon)
J. Jonah Jameson is a simple head swap.
Difficulty Level: 1/5
J. Jonah Jameson Head from Marvel Legends Chameleon
Ex-Con Luis body from Marvel Legends First Ten Years MCU 2 Pack Series
Chameleon (Modern)
Chameleon is a simple head swap with some paint details.
Difficulty Level: 1/5
Morph Head from Marvel Legends Age of Apocalypse Morph
Chameleon Suit Body (found on Ebay)
Tombow 443 Blue Marker
Micron .005 Black Ink Marker
Painter’s Tape
The Thing (1960’s Silver Age)
The Thing is a simple repaint of the shorts only.
Difficulty Level: 1/5
Modern Thing from Marvel Legends Super Skrull Series
Martha Stewart French Riviera Blue Spray Paint
Painter’s Tape
Johnny Storm (1960’s Silver Age)
Johnny Storm is a repaint of the entire figure
Difficulty Level: 2/5
Modern Johnny Storm from Marvel Legends Super Skrull Series
Martha Stewart French Riviera Blue Spray Paint
Black Spray Paint
Painter’s Tape
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