Movie Review
Aquaman Movie Review
by Joshua H. Stulman
Aquaman is an exciting action packed adventure. True to the spirit of Aquaman’s nearly 80 year comic book history, this Aquaman movie takes the viewer on an epic journey exploring the world of Atlantis and Aquaman’s journey to reclaim his kingdom.
Viewers were previously introduced to Aquaman (Jason Mamoa) and Mera (Amber Heard) in Justice League (2017). Here, Aquaman’s rough persona from Peter David’s re-defining 1990’s Aquaman comic series is retained and masterfully merged with Aquaman’s classic lore and iconic costume.
Director, James Wan, did an excellent job of treating viewers to the many different worlds under the sea. The span of the film is epic. In almost 2 and half hours, Wan introduces the viewer to Aquaman’s origin, the political strife of Atlantis, and Aquaman’s reluctant plight to be king.
The special effects and scenery constructed for Atlantis deserve high praise and recognition. Atlantis is revealed as a vibrant and technologically advanced citadel. The structures are colorful and other worldly in a way that creates an atmosphere of wonder. The viewer is treated to sweeping cinematic shots of Atlantis in its full glory, as Aquaman also experiences entering the city for the first time.
As a result of Aquaman’s travel to Atlantis, he must embark on a quest to reclaim the ancient trident of King Atlan, the first Atlantean monarch. Acquiring the trident and royal armor is key to preventing an impending war on land and to unify the seven undersea realms. Mera joins Aquaman on his quest, which adds an unexpected Indiana Jones flavor to the film. The budding romance between Mera and Aquaman is natural and the two have great chemistry.
We are introduced to several of Aquaman’s key villains including Black Manta, Ocean Master, and the Trench. With so much to accomplish in one film, I was sure that these introductions would be rushed. This is not so. Each villain is fully developed throughout the film and have plenty of screen time. Black Manta evolves from pirate/terrorist to super-villain over the course of the film. At first I expected DC to succumb to modern “PC” by removing “Black” from his name. Not true- Black Manta’s comic name is retained.
Next up is Aquaman’s half-brother, Orm – the Ocean Master, who provides the political drama that permeates throughout the film. Both sympathetic and evil, Ocean Master is a product of Atlantis’s strict rule and hierarchy. Both gladiator fight scenes and final battle are expertly choreographed and showcase both his skill in hand to hand combat and leadership. The single combat with Aquaman is shot in a way that allows the viewer to see and appreciate the battle. This is opposed to the usual speed camera angles of other comic book movies that prevent the viewer from actually seeing the fight scenes. The subtle animation to Ocean Masters mask also helped to convey expression without looking “cartoony”.
DC’s Aquaman presents a serious and compelling origin story to one of the Justice League’s key founding members. The film creates a heroic epic for Aquaman that hopefully eradicates his previous undeserved image as the joke of comics. The film’s story merges several comic book incarnations of Aquaman to present a great introduction enjoyable by both comic fan and novice alike. Aquaman continues in the fashion of 2017’s Wonder Woman film with great story telling and all around welcomed addition to DC’s Expanded Universe.
Comic Accuracy: 8/10
Overall Grade: 9/10
CHECK OUT our selection of Aquaman Comics: CLICK HERE
Joshua H. Stulman
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