Character Spotlight, History Of Comics
10 Greatest Superman & Lois Lane Covers!
by Joshua H. Stulman
Superman and Lois Lane are literally the oldest romantic couple in Super-Hero Comics. Although Superman has had a number of romantic relationships over the years (both past and future) , Lois Lane has proven time and again to be Superman’s true flame.

Both characters first appeared in Action Comics # 1 (1938) when they meet after Superman foils a kidnapping attempt on Lois Lane by gangsters. Comic readers were treated to nearly 60 years of flirting and teasing until the couple finally got serious during the 1986 Superman series that began under John Byrne.

The couple were married in 1995 in the DC Comic’s one-shot Superman: The Wedding Album. The event was timed to coincide with the “Lois and Clark” tv series episode, which featured the marriage on screen.

After DC Comics rebranded Superman in their company wide “ReBirth,” Superman and Lois Lane’s marriage remain strong with the addition of a son, Jon Kent.
Here are some of the best (and funniest) Superman and Lois Lane Covers from the past 80+ years of comic history!

10 . Action Comics # 154 (March, 1951)
Looks like Lois is getting everything she wants! A deserted island, sun rays and Superman serving her every whim in this Robinson Crusoe parody.

9 . Superman # 27 (March, 1944)
Now Lois has Superman as her own personal assistant for the cover of this Golden Age classic. Will she figure out a better use for his super-powers?

8. Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane # 53 (Nov. 1964)
In this flashback story, Lois is unimpressed with the new hero Superman until Red Kryptonite temporarily robs him of his powers and she sees that he is still a hero without them.

7. Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane # 4 (Sept. 1958)
In a great spin on an old story, this time Lois keeps rejecting Superman’s efforts to woe her towards a marriage proposal.
6. Superman # 57 (March, 1949) / Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane # 85 (Aug. 1968)
Lois Lane gets super-powers! Talk about turning the tables, Lois Lane with powers is always a fun twist. Who’s saving who now?!

5. Showcase # 9 (Aug. 1957)
Lois Lane tries out for her own solo comic series in this Silver Age classic. “Thank Goodness You’ve Come Home, Dear!” says it all in this imaginary tale of Superman and Lois’s future life together.
4. Action Comics # 206 (July, 1955) / Action Comics # 484 (June, 1978)
Superman marries Lois Lane! What a great way to sell comics this month, and then five years from now and then…so on and so on. The imaginary wedding of Superman and Lois Lane has teased readers for so long its amazing DC was able to reuse this story idea so many times, and people still bought the book!

3. Action Comics # 662 (February, 1991)
Superman reveals his ID to Lois Lane….for real! This issue continued from Superman (vol. 2) # 50 shows Lois’s reaction to Superman’s proposal. As soon as fans found out that it wasn’t a trick, the issue sold through several printings. Finally, Superman and Lois Lane would be married!
2. Superman: The Wedding Album
This is it! Superman and Lois Lane finally get hitched. With a cover by John Byrne that pays homage to the many “imaginary” tales, many of Superman’s artists and writers participated in this over-sized 64 page book. The final wedding scene (shown in the beginning of the article) features an audience made up of all of Superman’s past artists/writers and cast members.
SIDE NOTE: The marriage scene was edited in the final colors to remove the crosses on the benches, so that Superman wouldn’t be shown endorsing any specific religion over another.

1. Adventures of Superman # 525 (July, 1995)
“Lois and Clark Forever” reads the caption on the greatest Superman and Lois Lane comic cover by Stuart Immonen. Simple and clear, the image evokes the timelessness of their relationship.
Joshua H. Stulman
Owner, BrooklynComicShop
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